From the lecture on Carlo Scarpa, I can see a link between his work in the framing of the materials and forms within the buildings he has designed. In particular Castel Vechio, 1956-70.Here a statue was very important and was kept in the design. The existing building was torn apart to help frame the statue more efficiently, getting rid of parts that were not needed such as a large stair case. He liked to peel back materials in his projects and work with the existing building by adding new features to it.
Scarpa’s framing of spaces in his designs is very intriguing and can be related back to film and the use of different angel shots. I am currently working on my proposal and how it will work within the site. I have started to look at framing within the building and how light projection can be used to enhance parts of the building and include ideas of being able to only see the projections form certain places, framing the space where the visitor is suppose to look.
The framing can be created with physical parts but I was also looking at using the light projection to define space; the length of projection and what is being projected all contribute.
1| Framing from window overlooking green, Brion Vega Tomb, 1970-78
2| Internal view looking through arch ways, framing the pathway, Castel Vechio, 1956-1970
The spaces he has created in his buildings are beautiful and I would really like to apply this technique into my design proposal. It allows the visitor to view parts of the building or collection, which they might not necessarily have, taken notice of before. At the moment the site I am working on is very symmetrical and consists of many smaller rooms, however by manipulating and using a framing idea the site can start to react with the visitor and allow the visitor to also get involved and find new discoveries.
He strips down parts of existing buildings as well as creating additions to the site. I am looking at how I can incorporate the existing site with my proposal and how I can manipulate the building to create an effective new design. I don’t want to destroy the existing site completely nor do I want to keep it the same as it is now. In the Castel Vechio I am fond of one birds eye view photograph of part of the hall, where the level changes with small steps leading from the centre and travelling in perpendicular directions. It is very angular and clean, but gives a fluidit to the space.

3| Birds eye view looking onto the courtyard with clear angular lines, Castel Vechio.
Image references
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